2 plazas sve en Rumania para comenzar el 1 de noviembre!

Continua nuestra labor de soporte a nuestros piratas inquietos, hoy os animamos a que os apunteis a este proyecto SVE en Arad, Rumania, de 10 meses de duraciòn, a partir de principios de noviembre (primera semana).

El titulo del proyecto es GAIA

Aqui os dejamos algunas de las actividades que desarrollaràn los futuros SVE seleccionados

RECUERDA: Se trata de un proyecto ya aprobado con ingalicia, asi que si quieres participar ingalicia serà tu entidad  de envio (puedes participar aunque no seas de Galicia).


Actions within the Arad Receiving Center for Minors

1. Workshops „trash-art”:

–  action for creating decorative garden objects/green spaces from recycled materials (flowerpots,  garden ornaments for indoor spaces etc.)

– making  urban outdoor furniture from recycled materials and other waste products (benches, tables, boards, trash cans, boundary fences green spaces and for trees protection etc.)

2. Interactive foreign languages courses (the speaking  languages of the volunteers)

   Actions with the collaboration of owners’s associations from Arad city.

1. Sanitation activities of green spaces between  blocks (the waste products which can be used for „trash-art” – workshops)

2. Assembling activities of  decorative objects between blocks and green spaces or the block stairs.

3 . Management of one  local competition:

– between the owners’s associations  which have the most beautiful green spaces or the most beutiful spaces of the block stairs

– between the owners’s associations which  have the most beautiful arranged windows.

The campaign will end with an local public event were  the  most hardworking people will receive  some symbolical  awards.

Field actions in cooperation with Arad City Hall.

Identification and notification / communication to the Department of Public Strategies and Communication (based on evidences)  in the following situations:

– parking the vehicles on green  spaces.

–  illegal waste disposal (household, industrial agricultural, recyclable materials and and any other kind of  waste

– finding abandoned vehicles without  owner on  private/ public spaces.

– leaving dirt on road by vehicles coming from  construction sites

– total or partial deterioration and elimination of the urban development projects (street, sidewalks, green spaces, children playgrounds etc.)

– the presence of beggars  (or other persons who are exploiting minors) on public spaces.


Los voluntarios tendràn alojamiento y comida cubiertos al 100%, asi como los gastos de viaje estan cubiertos al 90% (el/la voluntari@ compra el billete y la entidad de acogida le devuelve el 90% una vez alli).


Envia tu Cv y carta motivacional en inglès especificando tu motivacion para este SVE en concreto a : sve@ingalicia.org especificando en el asunto del correo “sve.gaia.nombres.apellidos”

FECHA LIMITE: 23 de agosto de 2013