Hola Amig@s!
Nuestros socios de Polonia nos contactan para preguntarnos si tenemos algun amigo interesado en participar en sus proyectos SVE a partir de Marzo 2012 y durante 6 meses.
Aqui os dejamos las informaciones, si quiereis candidaros (RECUERDA!!ANTES DEL 21 DE OCTUBRE) podeis enviarnos CV y carta motivacional en inglés a sve@ingalicia.org especificando en el concepto “2 Plazas SVE para Polonia – Institute for Creative Action”
The first activity is:
• Participate in activities with project “ The Slavic inspiration“.The main theme of this project is culture, customs and daily life of people who inhabited our land in early Middle Ages (mostly Slavic peoples). More information: http://slowianskainspiracja.blogspot.com/
• Acquaint youngsters with customs from his/her country like regional dishes, dances, music, games, presenting country through history
• The volunteer will learn: craft skills (archery, fencing, hand sewing, the production of ornaments, pottery, weaving, cooking, product jewelry)
• Take part in the reconstruction of the events of early medieval history held in various places in Poland
The second activity is:
• To improve various circus techniques (walking on stilts, juggling, riding a unicycle, diabolo, rola bola)
• To organize free time for children and youth by using circus techniques
• Participation in resocialization of youth in socio-therapeutic centers by using circus techniques
• Create and animate a circus group for children and adults from Lodz
• To organize and run circus shows for local community
If you are interested, please send your CV and motivation letter to sve@ingalicia.org or liliana.misiak-kuzbik@o2.pl.
For more detailed information, please contact: liliana.misiak-kuzbik@o2.pl
Deadline: 21 October 2011