Hola Amig@s!
Hoy os proponemos una interesantisima Europortunidad para celebrar un SERVICIO VOLUNTARIO EUROPEO de 1 mes en BULGARIA.
Desde el 1 hasta el 31 de Octubre de 2012
Recordad que si desarrollas un SVE de menos de 2 meses podrás volver a hacer otro de 10, por ejemplo. Con lo cual la participación a este SVE no os excluye de otros SVE futuros!
Debido a que las fechas de salida son muy proximas recomendamos enviar la solicitud solo si realmente interesados y disponibles para esas fechas.
1. Help during the organisation and realization of the Youth Festival “The youth of Sliven today, future of Europe tomorrow”
– making new contacts and involving partner organizations (the volunteers will meet Bulgarian youth organizations, NGOs and non-formal groups, working on youth activities, as far as European organizations)
– taking part in designing and creating the informational and promotional materials of the festival, working on the actualization of the information, structure and design of the internet site of the Youth House Sliven.
– taking part in work visits and meetings, getting in touch with cultural, historical and nature sights
– taking part in the meetings of the team, preparing the festival program (the volunteers will have the opportunity to gain abilities for team work and to be actively involved in the decisions, if they are active and willing to develop their organizing skills they can take all the responsibility on organizing one of the festival activities, for example the concerts, youth party, picnic, youth forum or an intercultural evening)
– an active communication with the participants in the festival
– participating in the preparation and promoting the activities on place – Sliven.
– an active participation in the festival program (from the reception of the groups, everyday work on the program, media meetings, photo-making and so on, to the final “good-bye”)
– creating information for the festival, publishing in internet, press-notes
– participating in the contrary contact and analyzing the already held festival, defining the results of it, sending information to all the participants
2. Assistance in running projects of Host organization Youth house.
3. Collaboration at providing of the leisure time and life long learning activities (trainings, seminars, trips & researches etc.)
4. Administrative and organizational tasks in the Organisation. Help in building up, developing and optimizing the overall equipment of Youth Festival of the talents (technical equipment, materials and documentation etc.)
5. Popularization the results of the Festival’s activities and projects, web-site, help in designing & creating of print materials; photo, video & multimedia presentations; PR materials and info-materials for the public media
6. Attendance at the meetings with other EVS volunteers and providing regular meetings with the Bulgarian youngsters
7. Attendance and realizing of public events aimed to popularize and promote “YOUTH IN ACTION” Programme of EU and EVS among the Bulgarian youngsters
8. Planning future activities for realising EVS advantages
9. Activities on valuating, analyzing and reporting the voluntary service – these activities are going to take place regularly, so the valuation is about to be done informally each month and planned once for each three months.
CONDICIONES: Gastos de viaje cubiertos al 90% (deberas adelantar el dinero del viaje que sera rembolsado por la entidad de acogida una vez llegados al destino), alojamiento y comida cubiertos por el programa. Asignación a los voluntarios: 85€ cada uno.
Envía la ficha a : sve@ingalicia.org
The festival of youth creativity is a competitive and is under the patronage of the mayor of Sliven, Kolyo Milev and is an integral part of the program of the municipality to provide alternative forms of leisure and meaningful leisure students.
New event in the cultural events of Sliven Municipality, which is based on a survey of needs, interests and talents of young people in Sliven.
1. To engage young people in the cultural process not only as consumers but
as direct contributors to a creative product in leisure.
2. To allow for creative expression and development of talent
participants in student groups, companies and promote their
3. To overcome prejudices accumulated and laminated negative attitude
in their daily lives.
4. To explore the diversity of contemporary cultural forms of expression.
5. Enhance their contacts for future partnerships at local and regional
level for implementation of future joint initiatives.
Festival events:
• Festival parade with the participation of all stakeholders – the opening day of the festival on the central streets of the town of Sliven;
• Competition of student talent;
• Festival concert;
• Disco night;
• Exhibition of Young Artists.