La Embajada de India en Madrid ofrece becas para estudiar en las Universidades indias (Grados, posgrados e investigación).
Excepción: Medicina, Fisioterapia, Enfermería, Anestesiología y Moda.
La beca cubre los gastos de matricula asi como los gastos de manutención y alojamiento (consultar AQUI).
The Embassy of India in Madrid has the pleasure to inform that the Government of India under the aegis of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), within the framework of the General Scholarship Scheme offers five scholarships to Spanish nationals wishing to study (with the exception of Medicine, Paramedical (Nursing, Physiotherapy and Anesthesia) and fashion courses) at graduate, post graduate or research levels in universities and educational institutions in India during the academic year 2014-2015.
The scholarships include enrolment and the course fees, besides a fixed amount of living expenses. The scholarships are granted for one year with the possibility of renewal. The deadline for receipt of completed applications at the Embassy of India, Avenida Pío XII, 30-32, (28016) Madrid, is February 12, 2014. The request must specify the course the candidate wishes to undergo, together with the university / institute of his/her choice in India.
The application form for ICCR scholarship can be downloaded by clicking the following link:
It is important for candidates to submit / send six copies of the application together with certified copies of qualifications (translated to English) obtained and curricula and subjects studied. Those wishing to pursue doctoral/post-doctoral courses should enclose the synopsis of the proposed research project. It is imperative that candidates have adequate knowledge of English and, to that end, must submit a copy of the course(s) passed in English language.
For general instructions to the applicants to be followed when completing the application form for ICCR Scholarship 2014-2015, click here. For the financial terms and conditions applicable for the scholarships, click here.
For any further queries, interested students should contact the Cultural Section of the Embassy of India in Madrid by fax 91-345 11 12 or email as soon as possible.
Embassy of India
Avenida Pío XII, 30-32
28016 Madrid
Tel: 913098890, Fax: 913451112
FECHA LÍMITE: 12/02/2014
Para participar debes cubrir y enviar el formulario que encuentras AQUI
Puedes leer la convocatoria completa AQUI