Curso de formación en Sofia (Bulgaria) Subvencionado!

Seguimos ofertando oportunidades para viajar, conocer gente nueva, hacer experiencia y todo recibiendo una formación de prestigio internacional!

Nuestros partner de Sofia nos piden 3 participantes para su curso de formación sobre herramientas y buenas prácticas par combatir el desempleo juvenil en Europa, desde el 19 hasta el 26 de septiembre, dias de viaje incluidos.

CONDICIONES: 50€ en concepto de cuota de participación. Alojamiento y comida cubiertos por el Progrma Juventud en Acción, así como el 70% de los gastos de viaje. Solo pagarás los 50€ mas el 30% de los gastos de viaje una vez que hayamos confirmado tu participación.


Aim: The project’s objective is to examine the challenges regarding the youth unemployment in terms of further European development as well as the policies and the strategies that currently address it. Focusing on this, the project will assess the effectiveness of employment creation strategies, examine the vocational educational systems and their contributions for increased capacity of youth employment, review the policies’ framework and the strategies for ameliorating the conditions for self employment and decent work.

Objectives: The following objectives have been set in order to reach the aims as described above:

  • Support young people’s entrepreneurship e.g. via targeted education, access to funds, mentoring and support networks and structures in favour of youth entrepreneurship;
  • Increase the participants’ professional skills, through the understanding of the entrepreneurship’s inner structures and procedures, abilities for project management and organizational leadership skills, skills for multicultural team work, tolerance, understanding and dialogue;
  • Strengthen the social inclusion of young people, particularly those most disadvantaged: combat exclusion, precarious social conditions and marginalization;
  • Promote intergenerational dialogue and solidarity and foster equal opportunities for all, especially those at risk of exclusion.

Themes: Mobility and migration, Youth employment and perspectives, Marginalization, Participation and empowerment.


Rellena la ficha que encuentras AQUI y envianosla ANTES DEL VIERNES 27 DE JULIO!