Curso de Formación subvencionado en SUIZA!

Hola Amig@s!

Hoy os proponemos esta interesante oferta de formación en SUIZA, desde el 5 hasta el 12 de Noviembre, con todos los gastos pagados a excepcion del 30% de los gastos de viaje y de una cuota de participación de 60€.

El curso se basa en la redacción y gestión de proyectos europeos para la movilidad juvenil y está dirigido a trabajadores juveniles y personas involucradas en asociaciones y organizaciones que llevan a cabo actividades y proyectos del programa Juventud en Accion.

Al curso participarán personas procedentes Paises  europeos con la posibilidad de hacer nuevos contactos e intercambiar buenas prácticas.

Es necesario el conocimiento del Inglés ya que el curso se desarrollará en este idioma.

Mas informaciones aqui


5-12 November 2012 | Boltigen, Switzerland

A outdoor-based training course on Leadership, Self-development and Project Management for youth leaders and youth workers within the Youth in Action projects.

This 7-day training course entitled “Empowering U-2 lead Uth ” aims to develop the potential of youth workers and youth leaders to become aware of their leadership capacity, working on their self-development in order to empower them to be effective leaders when working with young people in a non-formal environment. During this course, participants will engage in a number of activities where they will gain an increased awareness of their leadership style and their privileged role when working with young people. They will develop the skills, attitudes and approaches leaders require to impact positively on the lives of young people.
After the success from this training course in 2011 in Switzerland, the team is looking forward to a second edition that includes the evaluation conclusions of the first edition. Some of the comments from participants during last edition in the final evaluation, were:
– (Now) “I think I can make anything happen”
– In learning outcomes: “Learning who I am”
– (People in your association will benefit from this) “They will have more trust into someone that feels sure about what she’s doing”.

The aims of this training are:
1. To assist youth workers and youth leaders in the personal self-development and their leadership competencies.
2. To enable participants to understand and trust their own ability to inspire young people.
3. To provide participants with good communication and group dynamics skills.
4. To explore the participants’ organisational skills and how they can be used to support young people in becoming more involved in extra-curricular activities in their community.
5. To discover the value of the Youth In Action Programme as a tool for the development of young people.

The participants:
Are willing and able to communicate in English
Are youth workers or youth leaders working directly with young people
Are interested in optimizing the impact they can have on the personal and social development of youth people.



Para participar tienes que cubrir y enviar el cuestionario que encuentras AQUI. Recuerda especificar que colaboras con Ingalicia.

En el caso de que te seleccionen ponte en contacto con Ingalicia al mail: