Desde el 21 hasta el 29 de Ocubre tendrá lugar en Gorlitz, Alemania, un interesante actividad de formación en el marco del programa Juventud en Acción.
La formación se basará sobre el desarrollo de competencias necesarias para mejorar la calidad de los intercambios juveniles para los jovenes.
Perfil de los participantes:
Se requiere experiencia como formador, dinamizador, monitor, y en general en contacto con los jóvenes (educadores, formadores, trabajadores sociales, voluntarios) con ganas de aprender a desarrollar proyectos de movilidad juvenil y con deseo de mejorar sus competencias como formador juvenil.
El idioma del curso es el INGLÉS con lo cual se requiere un nivel medio.
The project idea
The great part of the youth field is the work with teenagers. It is fascinating, inspiring, gratifying but never the less challenging. Certainly it is not easy to be teenager facing peer pressure, temptation for experimenting or taking risk. Nowadays European teenagers has a lot of opportunities around some of them may feel disadvantaged not having access to the information about those opportunities, others are lost in vast of those opportunities not knowing what to choose.
Every year Europa Direkt e.V. is also organizing international youth exchanges, during which young people get the opportunity to meet their peers from different countries. As youth workers we noticed the need to prepare youth workers to run intercultural learning process for teenagers. To address teenage needs during the exchange, youth workers have to be very well prepared, aware of teenagers’ interests, language abilities, expectations, fears, skills, current challenges. Youth exchange for growing young people under eighteen should be designed with certain sensitivity, it requires specific knowledge, skills and attitudes of youth educators.
Based on our experience in organizing and managing projects dedicated to teenagers, Europa Direkt e.V. from Dresden prepared this special proposal for youth educators willing to organize their first exchange for teenagers or develop their skills knowledge and attitudes to be able to run great projects.
Description of the project
The group is going to explore such topics like: youth exchange philosophy, risk assessment and security issues of the minors, dealing with a cultural stress, overcoming language barriers,designing the learning process and program, adapting methods of Non-formal Education to work with Intercultural dimension. They will learn how to use Youthpass as a tool for participants’ development on their own example. The course let develop certain attitudes needed to run project for teenagers:sense of responsibility, openness, empathy, cultural sensitivity, self-reflection, motivation for learning.
The final product of the training will be a handbook (online version) for other youth workers working with teenagers with the tips how to organize international youth exchanges for the minors. Besides trained youth leaders are expected to establish partnerships and organise international projects for teenagers in 2013.
Aim of the Training Course:
– To develop the youth workers’ competences necessary to run the quality youth exchanges for teenagers.
Specific objectives:
– to prepare youth workers for managing international projects for teenagers;
– to develop organizational and pedagogical skills of youth leaders running exchanges for teenagers;
– to learn how to create safe and open atmosphere for cooperation and understanding of intercultural learning among teenagers and group leaders;
– to raise awareness about potential risks and challenges (health, safety, language, intercultural stress) and show risk assessment,
– to learn how to design interesting and inspiring learning process for youth contributing to their competences development with special focus on cultural expression, foreign languages, social skills, entrepreneurship;
– to learn how to maximize the learning benefits of youngsters from youth exchanges by using modern communication tools (social media).
Themes of the project:
1. Facilitation skills of the workshop leaders.
2. Preparing reach and flexible learning process addressing teenagers’ needs and interests.
3. Designing Program flow methods and tools: Group dynamic.
4. Motivation, fears and expectations, Group contract, Evaluation tools, Social Media.
5. Feedback.
6. Risk Assessment and Security Issues of the Minors: Cultural Stress and Language Barriers of the teenagers.
7. Youth Participation and Inclusion – self organization initiative, individual and group responsibility, sustainable use of materials.
El curso está subvencionado por el Programa Juventud en Acción, Acción 4.3. Alojamiento, comida y el 70% de los gastos de viaje están cubiertos por el Programa. El participante deberá abonar el 30% de los gastos de viaje y una cuota de participación de 25€.
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