Formación Subvencionada en Montenegro!

Desde el 28 de Febrero hasta el 9 de Marzo, Ingalicia participará en el Training Course organizado por la asociación Prima Novo, que tendrá lugar en Bar-Montenegro y tratará sobre herramientas de prevención de discriminación sexual.



Trabajadores juveniles, formadores, dinamizadores, monitores, y todos aquell@s que trabajen o esten interesados en la tematica del curso.

No hay limites de edad. Ingalicia dará prioridad a los under 35

Al curso participarán un total de 30 trabajadores juveniles, monitores, formadores, y otros interesados en la tematica, procedentes de 15 Paises diferentes.


Esta formación es parte del programa Juventud en Acción y como tal los participantes no tienen gastos de alojamiento y comida (cubiertos por el programa y gestionados por los organizadores en Montenegro) y pagan solo el 30% de los gastos de viaje (compras el billete y a la vuelta los organizadores te devuelven el 70% del total si entregas todos los tickets de viaje).


Training Course is education for peer educators, youth workers and teachers about sexual and reproductive health of young people and its aim is to raise awareness about sexual differences and new knowledge which will help us to live healthier life in inclusive society. Participants will learn about sexual and reproductive health, facts and rights in this field of life, why sexuality is taboo in most of societies, why reproduction is limited and shaped by social preferences and expectations, how to use facts and knowledge to fight for free human beans, and against prejudices and taboos. After this training participants will be completely enable to lead sexual and reproductive health education with peers in their own communities, youth clubs, schools etc. Also, they will be able to disseminate these knowledge and skills to groups of peer educators in their communities.

Parallel aim is to gather young persons from fifteen countries: Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Hungary, FYR Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Serbia, Turkey and Montenegro and give them opportunity to get know each other better, braking the prejudices and stereotypes and building European spirit.


  • to increase awareness of importance of sexual and reproductive health education for building more human society; free, open-minded youth and real values of European citizenship;
  • to fight with knowledge against prejudices, stereotypes and taboos about sexuality, reproduction and sexual differences;
  • to increase knowledge of peer educators and youth workers in field of sexual and reproductive health and rights;
  • to contribute participants development of capabilities and skills in youth work consisted of spreading  the facts and knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and rights;
  • to increase role of youth citizens & civil society organizations in everyday European life;
  • to use targeted subject to make more links among young people across the Europe.

We’ll implement methods of non-formal learning: workshops, PP presentations, role-plays, debates, forum-theatre, energizers, outdoor activities and public actions.


Envianos tu Cv en inglés y en el correo especifica si tienes experienica previa en temas relacionados con el curso/formación. El correo es y en el asunto especifica “TC.MONTENEGRO.tunombre.tusapellidos