Formación Subvencionada sobre inclusión social en Sicilia

Hola Amig@s,

Hoy os ofrecemos participar en este interesante curso de formación, Lead for Reason,  sobre inclusión social dirigido a trabajadores juveniles, sociales, formadores, orientadores etc.

El curso tendrá lugar en Alcamo, cerca de Palermo, del 17 al 23 de Abril de 2013, y participarán personas de varios paises europeos.

No hay limite de edad aunque si que se requiere motivación e implicación. No son vacaciones pagadas.


Workcamps, international youth and volunteer projects play central role in activities of many NGOs, and most of them need a camp leader, or coordinator, or teamer, or group leader. Names could be many, functions may vary – still, the leader is one of the keys to success of the workcamp and of other international projects.
With the proposed training we aim to prepare leaders in international atmosphere, discuss different aspects of workcamps and international volunteer activities and their preparation, international cooperation among organizations, leadership, preventing and solving conflicts and other issues related to leading an international youth project.
Training have a special feature too: we’d like to address educational aspect of international youth and volunteer activities, how to enhance possibilities for mutual learning and exchange in international context of a workcamp or youth exchange or any other international or local volunteer project.
Training is organized by InformaGiovani and its national and international partners in the frame of EU programmes, namely Youth in Action.
Training is going to take place in Alcamo, western part of Sicily, Italy.
Working language of the training course will be English.

Training is targeted at activists of youth and voluntary service organizations, who will be leading international volunteer workcamps or youth exchanges during summer 2013, who already have experience of participating to a workcamp or youth exchange as a volunteer/participant.

The program will include the following topics 

  • Types of international youth and volunteer projects – workcamps and youth exchanges
  • Responsibilities of different sides involved in a workcamp
  • Leadership and group-dynamics, decision-making in the group
  • Intercultural communication and learning in a workcamp
  • Practical arrangements
  • Self-organization of the group, delegating responsibilities
  • Contact and activities with local community in international workcamp
  • Conflicts and emergency situations, how to prevent and solve
  • Educational activities in international youth and volunteer projects, how to make them interesting and engaging. Sharing topics and methods (human rights, social inclusion, environmental sustainability issues will be covered here as well)
  • -Practical volunteering activity involving also local youth.


Alojamiento y comida durante todo el curso están cubiertos por el programa Europeo Juventud en Acción.

El participante deberá reservar el billete y una vez terminado el curso la entidad de acogida le abonará el 60% del total, teniendo en cuenta que el participante tiene un techo de gasto para el viaje de 300€. Solo reservarás en vuelo solo en caso de ser seleccionad@.

Hay una cuota de participación a abonar a Ingalicia de 25€ en el caso de ser seleccionad@.


Para participar tienes que cubrir y enviar en linea el formulario que encuentras AQUI

La oferta está abierta a todo territorio nacional.


Recuerda especificar que la entidad con la que colaboras en Ingalicia

De ser seleccionad@ ponte en contacto con nosotros a



Los participantes finales serán contactados el dia 26 de MARZO