Hola amigos!
Desde Elche nuestros compañeros nos piden difundir esta interesante oferta de SVE en Rep. Checa donde ya tenemos a dos voluntarios que se lo estan pasando muy bien y buscan a 2 mas para dos proyectos diferentes, uno con adolescentes y otro en un centro de maternindad
La duración de estos 2 SVE es de 12 meses.
Project Open the door EI 2013-CZ-23
- 12 months
- January 2015 to 31th December 2015
- www.ddm-mikado.cz
The project takes place in leisure center for children and youth in Vysoke Myto. Myto is a small town in Easter Bohemia with 12 000 inhabitants.
EVS is a long term individual aktivity in open club for children and youth. Capacity of the club is 25 children. The main topics of the project are education through Sports and Outdoor Activities and children.
We need creative active and comunicative person. Such person will feel at home here!!!
The volunteer will participate in our everyday life in Mikado and regular (art and sports) activities in our club for children and youth, they will lead their own workshops and projects. Volunteer can join most activities organized by Mikado e.g. workshops, discussions, activities for children and their parents or summer caps. They will visit local schools and inform children and students about life of people in their native countries.
We believe that this project strengthens mutual understanding among young people in various countries.
Envia tu Cv y carta de motivación (ambas en inglés) a :
Jose Manuel de Info Europa Elche (recuerda especificar que has leido la noticia en ingalicia).