Tenemos una plaza disponible para participar en el curso COUCH ME IF YOU CAN que se va a celebrar Vila da Marmeleira, Portugal del 20 al 26 de noviembre de 2011.
Este curso esta en el marco del Programa Juventud en Acción que cubre el 70% de los gastos de viaje y el 100% del Alojamiento y manutención.
Existe una cuota de participación para los participantes, que oscila entre los 20 y 40 euros según el pais de procedencia. (nuestra entidad no tiene ninguna vinculación con esa cuota).
En caso de estar interesados os invitamos a que contacteis con INTERCAMBIA MALAGA a través de correo info@intercambia.org para recibir el Formulario de Inscripción asi como ampliar la información del proyecto
Os adjuntamos mas información:
20th November – 26th November 2011, Vila da Marmeleira, Portugal
(Arrivals on the 19th and departures on the 27th)
Background of the feasibility visit:
Youth Express Network applied at the 1st of February deadline to Youth in Action programme for a multi-measures project called “You(th) are the Champions ! – Strategies for youth employment”. This long-term project will be composed of 5 activities: 1 feasibility visit, 2 training courses, 1 seminar, 1 evaluation meeting. The project was approved and have already started!
Our first activity, the feasibility visit “In the starting blocks”, took place in Mollina, Spain, in the framework of the 12th University on Youth and Development, from 18-25th September 2011. It gathered 20 participants from 15 different countries and launched the start of our common multi-measures project “Youth are the Champions! Strategies for youth employment”.
Our next step is the training course “Coach me if you can”, designed for 33 youth leaders, youth workers, social workers and trainers in youth work, coming from 15 different countries and representing 22 partner organisations. The TC will focus on promoting coaching as a tool for empowerment and employment of young people.
To provide coaching competences (skills, knowledge, attitude) for 33 youth workers, youth leader, social worker in youth work
To exchange experience regarding coaching process across Europe
To contribute to the European policies regarding youth employment
To better understand the role of coaching in the process of empowering young people
To promote coaching as a method to fight against unemployment of young people
To identify ways to implement in the local communities the competences gained with the TC
Profile of the participants:
Youth leaders, youth workers, social workers, trainers in youth work who are already working on coaching of young people or who have the possibility to start working on it in their organizations. Priority should be done to people who will be committed to the follow up of the training course, multiplying the results in their community
Communication skills in English is needed (CEFRL – B1)
All selected participants must attend at least 80% of the training course