Ultimas plazas para participar en un Seminario Grundtvig sobre técnicas de aprendizaje para enseñar idiomas extranjeros, que tendrá lugar en OLBIA, en la estupenda isla de Cerdeña, desde el 8 hasta el 16 de Septiembre!
El seminario está subvencionado al 100% (Gastos de viaje hasta 400€, alojamiento y comida)
Cuota de participación : 25€ a ingresar a Ingalicia.
- El seminario está enfocado mas bien hacia los profesores o l@s que desean enseñar.
- Los participantes deben tener al menos un B2 de inglés.
- Motivados y con ganas de participar activamente (habrá que hacer una presentacion personal, incluso cocinar algo tipico)
Sunday 8th of September „Welcome Day“
16:00 Start Registration ( at the Hotel Restaurant – Check-in is possible earlier)
18:00 Welcome and introduction to the topic, short presentation of the hosting Organisation
19:30 Diner, Meeting point: Lobby
(If you arrive later, please let us know, we will pick you up at the Hotel)
Monday 9th of September „Get-to-know-each-other-day“
9:30 Introduction to the course and the organisers
11:00 World Cafe
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Poster Presentation on the participants
16:30 Closing of day 2
Tuesday 10th of September
10:00 Meeting at Hotel Lobby
11:00 Nfe:new perspective for teaching foreign language
13:45 Lunch
14:30 Immigrants conditions in Sardinia
16:30 Closing of day 3
Wednesday, 11th of September
9:00 Meeting at the Hotel Lobby “The nfe methods as a tool for teaching foreing languages” debate and role play
10:00 “Cultural animation – a practical approach” – local community projects, (meeting
with the students/immigrants from the Association“Labint”)
13:30 Lunch
Afternoon Self-organised street interviews in Central Olbia.
Thursday, 12th of September
9:00 Meeting at the Hotel Lobby
10:00 “Pedagogical methods for inspired teachers: new perspective” –workshop
11:00 Simulation of a typical classroom: main difficulties and how we can use the nfe for facilitating the communication among the learners
13.30 Lunch
14:00 Debriefing and analysis
16:30 Closing of day 3
Friday 13th of September
10:00 “ The importance of nfe applied to a multicultural class room: benifits and methods of actively include learners in the educational process”
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Football intercultural match: learners vs teachers : Sport as a tool for intercultural learning
15:30 Debriefing and analysis
16:30 End of day 4
Saturday, 14th of September
10:00 “Nfe approaches: how to facilitate the learning process in a multicultural and multiracial class”. Body Language Workshop
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Presentation on European mobility programmes
15:30 Evaluation and Wrap Up
16:30 End of day 5
Sunday 15th of September
10:00 ” In theri shoes:how do you feel like a learners? Which are your pedagogical
needs?” ( Golden fish method)
13:00 Lunch
14:30 NFE and formal education: Swot analysis
15:30 Evaluation
16:30 End of day 6
In the evening Goodbye Diner
Monday 16th of September “Departure day”
All activities must be done by non-formal approach, learning-by-doing, group work,
interactive, non-frontal.
Intercultural evening:
Each group should prepare a presentation of their culture (not country) at the intercultural evening.
So prepare a presentation of your culture, bring food, drinks, maps, flags, brochures, etc…
We encourage you to cook something – the kitchen in the guesthouse will be available.
Costs of your presentation will not be reimbursed, try finding your local sponsors, donators, etc.
Envia tu CV y Carta motivacional en inglés a sve@ingalicia.org especificando en el asunto del correo seminario.cerdeña.nombres.apellidos