Debido a una vacante de ultima hora, hoy os proponemos esta interesante europortunidad SVE para los que no necesitan pensarselo dos veces!
La salida es para la primera quincena de septiembre y el proyecto tiene una duraciòn de 10 meses.
Al ser un proyecto que ya tenemos con la entidad de acogida, solo puedes candidarte con ingalicia como sending organisation.
El destino es Tesalónica.
Viaje cubierto al 90%
Alojamiento, comida y pocket money mensual cubiertos por el programa Juventud en Acciòn.
Project Title: Balkan Hot Spot (2011-GR-30)
Short description of the organisation:
The NGO “United Societies of Balkans” is an established in Thessaloniki in 2008 by a group of motivated young people with rich experience about volunteer programs, social awareness and vision to mobilize young people in regard to their involvement in volunteering, their awareness around social issues and access to knowledge.
Main objectives of the organization are:
- Break down prejudices and stereotypes among Balkan countries.
- Determine and multiply the specific cultural elements of our societies.
- To build bridges of healthy cooperation between the countries of the Balkans and Eastern Europe with the rest of Europe.
- To become involved with minorities and immigrants.
- Promote human rights, solidarity and respect for diversity.
- To promote the values of non-formal education, volunteering, active citizenship and democracy in order to create a better future for the European youth.
Short description of EVS project:
The “Balkan Hot Spot” EVS project deals with the involvement of youth as volunteers coming from EU member-countries. This is a project which is already running on a beta-basis in the office of our organization and makes up a place where one can find material on Balkan countries, such as books written by Balkan and east-European writers, history and photo albums as well as brochures from Balkan cities. Through the e-radio and the e-journal, the volunteer, ( in cooperation with the youth of the local society and the other volunteers of our organization, will have the opportunity to create a space of free expression and communication among young people, always within the context of the the principles, goals and subjects of the Programme “Youth in Action”. Our organization is involved in “Thessaloniki 2014 European Youth Capital”, and will be undertaking several actions attaching vivid Balkan colours and thus provide increased educational opportunities for volunteers who will participate by supporting the events and asserting the success of the notion.
“Balkan Hot Spot” EVS has already engaged two volunteers. The first time was in 2009, during which they set the basis for the project’s further development and wider targeting by initializing the operation of an internet television. In 2010 three volunteers developed tools and created new structures in order to enhance the quality of the project. We are now looking for three new volunteers for the year 2013 – 2014 whose role and assignments also include the realization of educational workshops which promote the culture of these countries. The aim of the planned programme is to ‘employ’ a volunteer who will develop the ‘Balkan Hot Spot’ through the enrichment of the current library and of the relevant music library, as well as the electronic information material on issues relevant to the Balkans; also plan and organize workshops and projects which will contribute to the development of the “Balkan Hot Spot”. The second part of the programme is the creation and the maintenance of the e-Balkans, aiming at operating an e-radio, an e-journal and an e-television, alongside the main contribution of our four volunteers.
The role of the volunteer:
The activities in which the volunteer will get involved are:
■ Organization and development of the e-radio with emphasis on the Balkans and Caucasus and on youth social issues.
■ Organization and development of the web-TV.
■ Create documentaries with emphasis on social issues and cultural activities of Thessaloniki.
■ Help with the technicalities needed for the e-radio to be operative.
■ Maintenance of the e-radio through the creation of a playlist based on songs from all Balkan countries, which will be broadcasted on a daily basis.
■ Organize a team of volunteers which will run the live program of the e-radio.
■ Help the local volunteers and participate herself in the recording of the program to be broadcasted in the scheduled hours.
■ Organize, develop and maintenance of an e-journal. The volunteer will be assisted by experienced members of the Hosting Organization and will be provided with and trained through the necessary technical tools.
■ Find topics touching upon issues that interest young people and that can lead to a discussion among them through online discussions or written articles that will be uploaded in the e-journal.
■ Find projects that could promote the activity and disseminate its results.
■ Participate in approved program, so that she will develop more skills and capacities.
■ Participation in special events and meetings organized by the Project: The volunteer might take part in some events that will be organized by the Project on special dates dedicated in EU or Human Rights. Those events always gather a larger public and offer the chance to strongly promote the work done by the Project. The volunteer will play a central role by attaching to these public events a European dimension and motivate the local youth to participate. Using her creativity, her knowledge from her country and her visions she can find attractive and effective ways to help with the relevant games, presentations, leaflets etc.
■ Participation in some public events organized by the local authorities. During these events the volunteer will have the opportunity to be with the locals, to socialize, to practice the language and to get a good taste of the “Greek spirit”.
Duration of the EVS project:
September 2013- June 2014 (10 months) in Thessaloniki, Greece
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Recuerda poner en el esunto del email: sve.balkan.nombre.apellidos
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