El Siena Art Institute’s Summer Residency Program award es un programa que ofrece la posibilidad de pasar un mès en la localidad de la Toscana desarrollando un proyecto artistico personal e interactuando con la comunidad local.
El 15 de enero es la fecha limite para presentar tu candidatura para el 2014 Siena Art Institute Summer Residency Program.
El periodo de registraciòn comenzarà en Noviembre (dia 1).
Gastos de viaje y alojamiento cubiertos por el programa.
Resident Artists are provided:
-A private studio at The Siena Art Institute for four weeks.
-A private studio apartment in downtown Siena for their month-long stay (one double bed).
-Compensation for flight to and from Italy from country of residence.
In turn, Resident Artists are asked to give back to The Siena Art Institute in several ways:
-Presenting a public talk about their work upon arrival in Siena.
-Interacting with our program participants through an organized activity, such as an afternoon master-class or critiques of student work.
While not required, Resident Artists are also invited to:
-Hold at one or more open studios/exhibitions/performances/screenings during their residency.
-Lead workshops with the Siena Art Institute’s summer program participants or members of the local community.
The Siena Art Institute’s Summer Residents are a valuable component of our programming, providing insight and inspiration to our program participants and the local community through the addition of their expertise, energy, and unique perspectives.
Puedes saber mas asi como registrarte (a partir de Noviembre) pinchando AQUI