SVE de 6 meses en Turquia!

Hola futuros Voluntari@s!

Septiembre es el més ideal para comenzar a apuntarse a algún proyecto SVE que se presentará para la fecha del 1 de Octubre y cuyo comienzo podria ser enero/febrero de 2013.

En este caso os presentamos un proyecto SVE con nuestro partner en Turquia, TGD TURKEY, para desarrollar actividades de redaccion de una revista en inglés, editar imagenes y crear carteles, mantener el blog y aportar tus propios conocimientos y experiencias como joven europeo.




Project Activities
Volunteers will work for up to 30 hours per week and the remaining time is their leisure. Within this time period, volunteers will work efficiently and they will be monitored as they are assigned tasks to work in a plan.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:
1. Writing articles for the magazine. ( in English)
2. The shooting and the design of the photos planned to publish on the magazine and web site.
3. Software programming support for the web site and blog.
4. Graphic designs of the photos for the publicity of their country and culture.
5. Integration of the data about their culture into the magazine and web site.
6. To be able to do youth interpretation.

Explanations for the topics:
1) Writing articles for the magazine. ( in English)
Volunteers are expected to know the cultural characteristics and authentic values of their own country. Besides holding the priority to introduce their own culture, they should write about the protection of the culture regarding European awareness.

2) The shooting and the design of the photos planned to publish on the magazine and web site.
Our photo studio is available to work free to shoot photos as volunteers would like to and they are also supported by a photographer. Moreover, a graphic designer is ready to help to integrate their work on the media materials.

3) Software programming support for the web site and blog.
Regarding this task, it is expected to create software programming to design the blog and website. In order to raise volunteers capability and skills we expect our volunteer to work his own knowledge instead of pocket programs.

4) Graphic designs of the photos for the publicity of their country and culture.
Our aim to be a hosting organization is to support EU culture and to be the initiator of this action. According to that we have the right to ask volunteer to supply the historical and cultural photos before the arrival. Graphic design will be made within the association.

5) Integration of the data about their culture into the magazine and web site.
Other than sharing their culture, it is also expected from the EVS volunteer to publish their actual domestic cultural news.

6) To be able to do youth interpretation.
Our association is one of the Eurodesk contact points. It is planned for the volunteers to answer questions via mail and phone to support young people regarding this. In addition to that, it is also planned to welcome young people who come to the association.

Estimated working order for our 1 year EVS volunteer:

1st Time Period
Presenting Bursa, visit to historic places, workshops to instruct individual rights, to complete the progress between the sending and hosting organizations, start of the language classes.

2nd Time Period
Education of
– Graphic
– Design
– Software programming
– Photography
– Language

3rd Time Period
Education of
– Graphic
– Design
– Software programming
– Photography
– Language
– Preparation and translation of the former articles

4th Time Period
Beginning of software programming and graphic design. Collaboration and coordination with other volunteers to finish the website and magazine preparations.

5th Time Period
Website and magazine integration.

6th Time Period
Following and publishing their actual domestic cultural news.
In addition to these, Eurodesk introduction will continue through the year.
Mentioned activities are estimated but on the EVS Project it is going to be declared monthly and weekly in detail. However, the theme will be remained in within the project.
Volunteers will have language classes 8 hours per week. They are going to have a part on the outside operations of introducing Turkeys cultural values and they can add these to their articles. Operations can also be done in outer cultural parts than Bursa.


Rellena y envia a  la ficha de ingalicia que puedes encontrar AQUI

Recuerda especificar «SVE en Turquia» en el asunto del mail.

FECHA LIMITE: 10 de Septiembre de 2012.