SVE en Macedonia a partir de Mayo 2014

Desde la organización Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) nos ofrecen la oportunidad de acoger un/a voluntari@ sve en Kumanovo, Macedonia, desde el 1 de Mayo de 2014 hasta el 30 de diciembre de 2014, por un total de 8 meses.


  • Tener entre 18 y 30 años y residir en España.
  • Tener disponibilidad para salir en Mayo.
  • No estar trabajando
  • Tener poca o nula experiencia de trabajo
  • Se dará prioridad a candidatos procedentes de zonas rurales
  • Tener un buen nivel de inglés


The EVS volunteers will be working with local youth workers and youth leaders to implement different types of actions and initiatives in the local community in the field of Art and Culture, Youth Information and Youth Policy. The service will mainly focus on bringing youth work activities in areas where it is not common, and working with young people from disadvantaged communities (minority backgrounds, multicultural communities, Roma, rural area etc) and improving their position in the society

Art and Culture activities: These activities will aim to develop tools and practices for delivering local youth work in diverse groups. The EVS volunteers will work on the arts programs within the Multi Kulti youth centers. The activities will vary and use tools such as dance, theatre, music and creative media but the baseline for cooperation is that they need to happen twice a week involving from 5-10 local people. They will be introduced with the program,and will work together with local staff to prepare and deliver the program  for the local youth, including also youth with fewer opportunities.

Youth Policy: These activities will aim to develop awareness about youth contribution in policy. The volunteers will work with local staff in research about needs of local young people (with specific emphasis of disadvantaged young people) and will support the monitoring and development of local youth policies. CID is the member and as organization is working on the development of the Local Youth Council in Kumanovo. The volunteers working on this activity will have a direct chance to know more about youth active citizenship and youth participation in policy development.

Youth information activities:

Open Days: The volunteers will have a chance to get involved in youth information activities for youngsters in rural and disadvantaged areas around Kumanovo. The activities will be implemented in a form of open day when youth workers and staff from the CID takes info- leaflets, brochures and prepared outdoor activities to run them in the rural areas or in the community. The EVS volunteers will be involved in 1-2 open-days of the hosting organization. Their work on these open days will be to promote the EVS programme to youth from rural areas by sharing their examples (how they became EVS volunteers).

Youth Info City: Working on development of Youth Info website for the local community, and promotion of sending opportunities for volunteers.

Youth Online Radio Club: The MultiKulti Youth Radio is an online radio that is being organized by the young people that are participating on workshops in the youth centres. The programme is consisted of live and recorded radio shows, debates, specials. The volunteer that will be interested to participate in the Radio Team will work with the local high-school students on weekly meetings and also support the technical side of the radio. The volunteer will work on improving digital, organizational and promotion skills.

Other activities: A local volunteer language teacher will be in charge for the local language classes and local integration of the volunteers in the host area. The supervisor is a staff member who will be responsible for the activities and for coordinating the volunteers.



Debes enviar tu CV y una carta de motivación (ambas en inglés) a : especificando en el cuerpo del correo que ya tienes Sening Organisation que es Building Bridges (2010-ES-120).