Trabajr en Bruselas en una Asociaciòn Medioambiental

Federation of Young European Greens es una entidad juvenil que centra sus actividades en la protecciòn del medioambiente, y en estos momentos la entidd està buscando un Asistente y un Coordinador para sus campañas de grupo y sus actividades.

Los candidatos no tienen que tener experiencia previa aunque sea un requisito que puede ser valorado positivamente.

Se requiere el conocimiento del inglès, hablado y escrito. Para optar al puesto de Asistente es necesario tambièn conocer el francès.


La entidad ofrece un contrato part time a partir de octubre/noviembre, con una remuneraciòn de 850€/mès para el puesto de Asistente y 1200€/mès para el puesto de Coordinador.


Envia tu Cv y carta de presentaciòn (explicando tu moticaciòn e interès en el puesto) antes del 25 de Agosto a Maria Maggie: especificando en el asunto del mail la frase: “Office assistant application // name.” or “Campaign coordinator application // name.”



1. The FYEG Office Assistant

  • part-time position (19 hours/week)
  • starting on 1 October 2013 for 1 year (with potential prolongation of the contract later), the contract includes a trial period of 3 months
  • flexible working hours
  • salary after tax ~ 850 EUR/month 

Tasks: to assist and support the accountancy of organisation, in managing the budget, in project management, reply to administrative and informative requests.

Desired profile of the candidate:

  • a good knowledge of English and French or Dutch (written and oral) is necessary
  • good experience with finances (accounting in particular) and administrative work is required
  • good computer skills (i.e. basic knowledge of OpenOffice Spreadsheet, etc…)
  • able to work independently
  • motivation to work for a young Green organisation is desirable

2. The FYEG Campaign Coordinator

  • part-time employment (30 hours/week)
  • starting from 1 November 2013 and ending on 31 June 2014
  • a monthly salary of 1200 EUR (netto)


  • ensuring basic communication between Campaign team, Executive Committee, Member Organisations and Working Groups.
  • keeping close cooperation with partners (European Green Party, European Youth Forum, Greens in the European Parliament, Green European Foundation etc)
  • organising practicalities in the campaign (booking tickets, printing flyers) support of the external communication team and online campaign
  • preparation of campaign team meetings
  • keeping an overview of activities with MO (SecGens + Campaign Managers)
  • financial management of the campaign

Desired profile of applicant for the campaign coordinator:

  • very good project management skills
  • experience in project management/coordination on European level
  • experience with campaigning is not a requirement, but a strong asset
  • fluency in English