Europemobility Video Contest 2015

The Europemobility Video Contest 2015 has been launched.
The contest is open to any European Learner who has accomplished a practical training programme, such as a youth exchange, a work placement, an internship or a business exchange abroad, within or outside Europe.

The learning mobility exchange in another country may have been supported by a national programme, by your own initiative or by the following programmes:

  • Erasmus+
  • Any Life Long Learning Mobility Programmes
  • Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
  • European Social Fund Transnational Measures
  • Youth Guarantee Transnational Measures

– 10 May 2015, 23:59:59 CET to upload videos.
– 15 May 2015, 23:59:59 CET to vote on line.


Read more HERE