Videos should:
- be one to three minutes long;
- be original;
- respect the international Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) legislation;
- be in English or have English subtitles.
They are looking for original and creative videos that show mobility experiences! Use the following questions to help guide your moviemaking process:
- Have you found yourself in any difficult situation while being abroad?
- What was the biggest challenge you had to deal with?
- What have you learnt about yourself and the others while getting to know new people and new cultures in a foreign country?
- Is there any funny story, which took place abroad you want to share?
You can make a documentary or a short presentation, about a general or a specific aspect of your stay abroad, for example: your personal or professional improvement, your social or cultural experiences. You can use humour, music, animations and any other media source. Just be creative!
Carefully read the Terms and Conditions HERE and the Frequently Asked Questions page HERE.
Debes registrarte y subir tu video antes del 15 de octuubre AQUI
Una vez que subas el video, el equipo de Europemobility se acertarà de que todo este correcto y lo cargarà en la plataforma como muy tarde 24 horas despuès.
La comisiòn de europemobility publicarà el listado de ganadores AQUI el 1 de noviembre.