Intercambio en POLONIA en Mayo

En el mes de mayo nuestra entidad participará en un intercambio internacional en Polonia (EBLAG, Gdansk), donde un total de 40 participantes de 9 paises diferentes se reunirá para un intercambio europeo bajo el programa Juventud en Acción, Acción 5.1

Participantes: 4 (2 chicos y 2 chicas) entre 18 y 25 años.

Idioma del intercambio: Inglés

Fechas: desde el 10 hasta el 15 de mayo (fechas por confirmar)


Stowarzyszenie Elbląg Europa was established by young people and for young people. We are a group of open minded people full of positive energy and ideas, trying to involve young people of different ages and backgrounds in social and cultural projects.
We are conscious of the difficulties to reach youngsters and the ever-widening social networks and online communities in which they participate. Through the conferences and meetings we plan for 2014 we would like to share experiences in this topic, as well as good practices, and develop a common way of collaborate among countries to develop our communication skills and digital methods with and for youngsters.
We have ambitious goals to discover which is the best way to reach youngsters: which are the tools that could be more effective for this, paying special attention to social networks in which young people seem to be very in to? How can we reach them to make them aware of the importance of voting at European Parliament Elections? Our goal is to make them feel citizens of the European Union, to make them interested in European topics, to make them feel that they are part of the European Union and they can change something with their vote. We also would like to discover which digital tools can help us to reach youngsters and how these tools should be developed for a more effective use. How can we increase the
effectiveness and efficiency of youth information in local and regional levels.
During 10th-15th of May 2014 in Elbląg, Poland, there are going to be conferences and meetings for those 40 participants. What’s more: on 14thof May it will take place an online conference, to allow our participants to communicate and keep in touch with specialists from all regions.


Alojamiento y comida: Cubiertos al 100% por el Programa Juventud en Acción

Viaje: Cubierto al 70% hasta un maximo de 250€ (compras el billete, guardas las tarjetas de embarque y/o tickets de bus/tren, y a la vuelta la organización polaca te devolverá el 70% del total).


Envia tu CV y carta motivacional (en castellano) a :  antes del 7 de Marzo de 2014


  • Tener entre 18 y 25 años (aunque en 2014 cumplas 26, pero no ya cumplidos)
  • Poder mantener una conversación en inglés