Last Minute!! 1 Plaza Sve en Portugal para salir en Mayo!!

Debido a que el participante seleccionado se ha dado de baja a ultima hora, os regalamos esta estupenda posibilidad de disfrutar de un Servicio Voluntario Europeo en una hermosa zona de Portugal (Cascais – Algarve) sin tener que buscar organizaciones, esperar resultados etc etc.

Teneis la posibilidad de salir ya!! Es un proyecto que presentamos conjuntamente con la Asociación Rota Jovem de Cascais para que el/La Voluntari@ pueda desarrollar su SVE entre Mayo 2012 y Febrero de 2013.

Interesados contactar Urgentemente con Ingalicia ( especificando en el asunto «last minute SVE Portugal»)


Role and tasks of the volunteers:
The volunteers in this project can develop activities in «Espaço Criança», which is a project is dedicated to children taking place at a former primary school ran by Carpe Diem. It aims at providing local children with a dynamic space to develop social and educational activities after school.

This project was one of the first of this association and it has become really successful. Daily the staff and volunteers will give lunch and organize activities for a group of children from 3 to 6 years old and will prepare weekly workshops for another group of children from 6 to 12 years old. It is expected that the volunteer actively help to plan, prepare and develop the daily activities done in «Espaço Criança» and interact with the children always with an educational approach. It is also interesting that volunteers show their culture to the children by organising activities related to their countries. There is also the plan to improve the facilities of “Espaço Criança” by planting a little farm and garden, in which volunteers can be engaged together with the children.
Other part of volunteers work is done in the association and consists in helping to develop the cultural programme of the association, namely events for the whole village and also the villages around (Salvada and others). Volunteers can also help in the daily run of the association and of its library and internet spot.
More precisely, these are the tasks of the volunteers related to different areas (some other tasks or activities are open for volunteers to choose according to their personal interests):
Art and Culture Area
Volunteers may develop activities like:
– Help organising and developing Plastic Expression workshops for children (weekly workshops, holidays workshops, workshops during special dates or events);
– Help organising Story Sessions/Creative Writing Workshops aiming at encouraging the population to go often to the library and create reading habits trough dynamic activities;
– Help organising Cultural events such as «Semana Cultural Carpe Diem» (wide program to please people from several ages); “Maratona de Fotografia” (photography marathon) and exhibition of the pictures throughout the village; “Fim-de-Semana da Juventude” (a weekend especially dedicated to young people); celebrations of Portuguese and local special dates throughout the year (e.g., Day of Freedom / Revolution, Christmas);
– Decorate the space for activities and take care of materials;
– Reorganise the space of the library and internet spot;
– Develop activities for other groups of the local community;
– Suggest new ideas for the cultural events and develop them with the team’s support
Media and Communication Area
Volunteers may develop activities like:
– Host and help the people in the internet spot
– Develop educational workshops about computers or internet
– Help and organize workshops for young people in areas related to web design, photography and multimedia
– Content management of this spot and hardware / software
– Develop a blog for daily information, since we already have a website for the general information:
– Make links between the other different areas
– Develop the advertising and promotion strategy for cultural events
Sports Area
We already organised some occasional activities in this area but we would like to develop it daily. In Cabeça Gorda there is a football field and a biking section and we expect to propose new sport activities during the project.
Volunteers may develop activities like:
– Promote and encourage sport activities with local community
– Introduce new sports
– Organise and develop sports events for the children and youngsters at the association