SVE en Italia colaborando en un centro juvenil

Ingalicia tiene un proyecto SVE aprobado con en Centro de Servicios para el Voluntariado para la Provincia de Verona (Italia) .

El proyecto comenzará el 17 de Septiembre 2017 y terminará en Julio 2018 

Te recordamos que los únicos requisitos que pedimos son : MOTIVACIÓN, CREATIVIDAD Y COMPROMISO


Federazione del Volontariato di Verona ONLUS – CSV Verona Who we are 

The Federazione del Volontariato di Verona ONLUS (FdVV ‐ Volunteering Federation of Verona ONLUS) is a coordinating association bringing together more than 260 volunteering associations in the Province of Verona, in North Italy. The Federation is responsible for the Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato di Verona (CSV Verona ‐ Service Centre for Volunteering of Verona). The associations members to the Federation operate in the city of Verona and around the province on a number of issues related to assisting people in need, volunteering work in the health and social sector, protection of the environment and cultural heritage. The Federation has no political or religious orientation, is interethnic and non profit. the work of CSV the Federation supports and represents the volunteering sector in the province towards public bodies and a number of stakeholder, in particular through:

‐ an help desk providing: information, orientation towards volunteering, consultancy services for associations on legal, fiscal, administrative, megamenu matters and on relations with local public bodies;
‐ a support to project design and cooperation with other no‐profit bodies in the province;
‐ a permanent support through training via regular training courses for the associations, their governing bodies, volunteers and future volunteers. It also helps associations in designing their own training sessions;
The main objective of the Federation is to promote volunteering and solidarity among volunteering associations and local communities in the province of Verona, with specific attention to young people. To meet this objective the Federation, mainly through the work of CSV and other projects:
‐ Organises and promotes events/conferences/seminars on different themes of relevance to the volunteering sector and other public events to promote a culture of solidarity. Among these the annual “Volunteering Party” which takes place every September in Verona main square, Piazza Bra;
‐ Works with and in schools and educational settings to promote and provide information on volunteering opportunities for young people, in the province and at European level;
‐ Promotes studies and research and publishes information material on volunteering and rules of the volunteering sector. It produces specific materials for young people using also new techniques like storytelling and through the use of videos and photos, as well as with social media. It cooperates with the University of Verona and other research institutes on research on the volunteering sector;
‐ Manages a communication office which provides information on the work of the Federation and CSV and of interest to the volunteering sector;


Federazione del Volontariato di Verona ONLUS (FdVV Volunteering Federation of Verona), is looking for 2 European volunteers for an EVS in Verona from September 2017 to July 2018.

The volunteers will mostly be involved in activities related to “Volunteering and young people” and the services provided by the healpdesk on youth volunteering, managed by the FdVV/CSV.

The helpdesk works on promoting volunteering among young people in the province of Verona and at European level. Staff at FdVV provides support in person and through email/phone to young people interested in finding a volunteering experience in Verona and in Europe. The helpdesk organises promotional events on volunteering and works in schools, with the University of Verona and with other educations and leisure environment for young people, by providing information and promoting volunteering.

The FdVV works in cooperation with more than 400 associations in the province of Verona, providing training, consultancy, working on joint projects and initiatives and providing information and support related to managing volunteering associations and volunteers, with particular reference to young people. Intergenerational work and common learning is at the core of all our activities.

With specific reference to EVS, we organise monthly “info days” where we provide information about EVS opportunities. We provide support to potential volunteers wanting to experience EVS in foreign countries in looking for opportunities, preparing their application and eventually as sending organisations. We present EVS opportunities in schools, at events organised by the University and other institutions in Verona working with young people. We produce promotional materials and have the opportunity to promote them on our website and Facebook page. There is therefore the chance to work on communication activities and support the communication office at the FdVV/CSV in designing new materials, updated the Facebbok page and website, developing communication materials such as photos and videos of volunteers in action. We organise events (leisure moments such as “apero” with language exchanges or cinemas in foreign languages, to promote the use of languages and European culture). We promote EVS opportunities through our Facebook page (Gioinvolo Federazione del Volontariato).

EVS volunteers will be able to provide support to the above activities depending on their attitudes and capacities and will be provided spaces and opportunities to propose other promotional activities. They will have the chance to interact and experience the daily life of volunteers within many of the 400 associations working a number of different areas (social and health sector, civil protection, environment, human rights etc.). They will also have the opportunity to interact with other young volunteers from the province of Verona and with young people serving under the Italian Servizio Civile. The FdVV manages and organises training for 40 to 70 young people serving for one year of Servizio Civile within the volunteering associations in the Province.


Volunteers should be between 17 and 30 years old and interested in office work as described above, related to the promotion of youth volunteering. Flexibility, creativity, communicative skills (include the familiarity with Facebook and possibly with some graphics and design programme, to develop promotional materials) and motivation are the main qualities we look for in the volunteers. Given the purpose of the project, knowledge/experience in the youth sector, in working with young people and on promoting volunteering will be an important asset. Some basic knowledge of Italian would help in implementing the above activities

Practical arrangements for volunteers  

 Double room in a shared flat with another volunteer. The flat is located in the same building as the offices of the FdVV in a beautiful garden within the University area in Verona, not far from the centre of the city.

 The volunteers will have a kitchen at their disposal. They will buy their own supplies and cook by themselves. Food allowance is around 200€/month

 Pocket money: 115€/month


Envía tu CV y carta de Motivación (ambos en inglés o italiano) a : especificando en el asunto del correo “SVE.VERONA.TUNOMBRE.TUS.APELLIDOS”