Oferta SVE de 12 meses (comienzo febrero 2014) en Republica Checa (Rychnov nad Kneznou)
La entidad de acogida es OKO (código para buscar en la base de datos 2010-CZ-46)
El nombre del proyecto es PUZZLE 12 y los temas del proyecto son: Arte y Cultura, Comunicación, Información Juvenil.
Puedes encontrar una descripción del proyecto AQUI asi como puedes ver el blog de los voluntarios que están alli en este momento pinchando AQUI
Area description: Rychnov is a small quiet town. For some volunteers, who are also from villages,Rychnov is a nice, calm town situated in the countryside. The town has a population of around 12,000 inhabitants. It is quiet in the evening and very peaceful with very little crime (if any) and it feels like a very safe place to live. For young people there is a lot of choice of leisure activities for such a small town; with a new swimming pool, gym and exercise complex, ice-rink, cinema, theatre, museum, castle, and nearby there is countryside with lakes, rivers and woods where it is possible to take walks or go cycling, a short bus ride away are the mountains for skiing in the winter…
Flat: Two volunteers stay together in each flat. In each flat there are two rooms, a hallway, a toilet and a bathroom. Both flats are fully furnished. In each flat there is a stove (hob), an oven, cooking equipment and utensils. There is the opportunity to share or to have your own bedroom. You can find more information and pictures about volunteer‘s flat and our town in our InfoPack included.
NO Racism. We have a good experience with our local community. Our people are ready to welcome and accept every motivated volunteer. There are even looking forward to meet volunteers, because they have had a good experience with EVS for quite a long time (we organize EVS for 5 years).
Link – video about volunteering in OKO centre
En este caso tienes que enviar tu Cv y carta motivacional (ambas en inglés) directamente a la entidad de acogida:
Recuerda poner en el asunto : evs.oko.nombre.apellidos y especificar en el cuerpo del correo que tu entidad de envio es Ingalicia (EI Ref: 2012 – ES – 121)