SVE en Rumania de 11 meses a partir de Enero!

Desde nuestra entidad socia Organizatia Studentilor, en Arad, Rumania, os hacemos llegar estas solicitud de 1 voluntari@ para el proyecto en el cual Ingalicia es entidad de envio, PURPLE, que comienza en enero (fechas por confirmar) y tiene una duración de 11 meses.

El proyecto preve la participación de un total de 6 voluntarios procedentes de 6 Paises diferentes, y en Arad ya contamos con algunos voluntarios haciendo su SVE en estos momentos en otras entidades de acogida.

El proyecto es muy atractivo ya que permite estar con niños y colaborar en el desarrollo de actividades al aire libre asi como en los espacios de la asociacion, organizando actividades teatrales, de zooterapia de musica y baile, y tambien de animación foto-video.

Recuerda que para participar no debes tener mas de 30 años al momento de presentar tu solicitud y no menos de 18, estar motivado ya que la fecha de salida es muy proxima y ser capaz de adaptarte sin problemas asi como tomar la iniciativa. Se dará prioridad a aquellos candidatos que puedan demostrar tener dificultades economicas o geograficas (ej. procedentes de zonas rurales, en paro etc….).


Como voluntario SVE tendrás derecho al 90% de los gastos de viaje de ida y vuelta, alojamiento (habitaciones dobles) y comida, ademas de un dinero de bolsillo mensual.



  • The project’s objectives mainly target the development of EVS volunteers and of children/youngsters victims of domestic violence, hosted by partner centers in Arad
  • The personal and social development of the hosted volunteers.
  • To stimulate and involve the local stakeholders in initiatives aimed   at preventing and addressing child abuse cases.


  • Between 18 and 30 years old;
  • With a strong motivation towards the projects activities;
  • Wiling to organize project activities and to bring value to the service;
  • Has to show initiative in implementing the project activities as well as own initiatives;


PURPLE” is an European Voluntary Service application that proposes a volunteering service of 11 months in Arad (Romania) carried out by 6 EVS volunteers from TK, ES, PT, PL, DE, MK. The project activities cultivate the following themes: “European Awareness” and “Children”. The project objectives are:

  • to enhance among the 6 EVS volunteers the development of entrepreneurial and intercultural competences;
  • to enhance among the 20 children who underwent experiences of domestic violence the development of social and interpersonal competences;
  • to stimulate, during the service, the involvement of local stakeholders in those initiatives that aim to prevent and solve cases of child abuse;
  • to promote non-formal education in the sending and hosting organization;
  • to promote the concept of volunteering by involving abused children and the promotion of children’s rights;
  • to develop necessary entrepreneurial abilities.


1) Creative workshops (drama/pantomime) for/alongside 20 children – victims of domestic violence;

To plan and prepare the agenda for each workshop;

To plan and prepare all the necessary resources;

To recruit at least 10 local volunteers who will take part to the workshops;

To inform the local volunteers regarding the theme and the agenda of the workshops;

Getting to know each other games and teambuilding activities together with the abused children and the local volunteers;

“Breaking the ice” games;

Expressivity games;

Role play and discussion sessions;

Interpreting some stories together with the children;

Making a show schedule;

Organizing the rehearsals and the events;

Selecting the stories/legends to be made as theatre plays;

Organizing a street campaign through the theatre method;

Organizing an event “Theatre-Forum”

2) Outdoor activities held in the city parks for/alongside the group of 20 children;

Planting flowers and taking care of the structures that are concerned with the aesthetics of the play grounds together with the target group of children and other children from the park;

Treasure hunt activities;

Asphalt drawing activities;

Organizing an event entitled: “The Game as a Universal Language”;

Interactive outdoor theatre plays;

Organizing seasonal events.

3) Zoo therapy activities (dogs and ponies) for/alongside the group of 20 children;

Activities with ponies;

Activities with dogs;

4) Foreign language interactive courses for/alongside the group of 20 children;

5) Journalistic activities

Volunteers will make 6 video-reportages;

Volunteers will write 6 articles containing their own impressions;

Volunteers will create 6 photo-reportages containing minimum 30 photos/each

Volunteers will create a clip for the promotion of children’s rights and for raising awareness regarding the dramatic effects that domestic violence has over children

Volunteers will promote the website of the project with all the journalistic materials described above

Volunteers will promote and manage their own website.


Por favor envianos tu Cv y una carta motivacional (ambas en inglés y solo en inglés) especificando porque eres la persona ideal para este proyecto a Tambien especifica en el cuerpo del mail si tienes alguna desventaja economica/geografica (ej estas en paro y/o procedes de una zona rural). Recuerda especificar en el objeto del mail : sve.purple.tunombre.tusapellidos