La famosa empresa LEGO está buscando diferentes perfiles para una incorporación inmediata en su sede en Dinamarca, y entre los puestos ofertados destacamos 100 plazas para ingenieros.
Pero no se trata de la única oferta de trabajo en esta multinacional. Podéis encontrar más ofertas así como diferentes destinos AQUI
The LEGO Group is hiring 100 engineers
When the LEGO Group during the next 18 months are hiring 100 specialists, the company will primarily be looking for engineers with a good sense of international collaboration. Colour engineers, polymer experts and project managers are merely some of the specialists which the LEGO Group hopes to find for the 100 specialist positions that the manufacturer of play materials will be filling during the next year and a half.
“The new employees will be hired to support both the current growth and the sustained progress, we expect to see from 2013 and onwards”, says Director John Hansen, head of the LEGO Groups department “Engineering & Quality”. The LEGO Group hopes that these expert positions will be filled by engineers who know their way around the international scene, while at the same time having their ‘feet solidly planted on the ground’, as Lars Halsboe, HR Senior Manager in the LEGO Group, puts it.
“We are an international company with approximately 10.000 employees across the world and therefore we are looking for engineers who like to be in contact with foreign employees and suppliers. At the same time, the LEGO Group is a company marked by the sense of reason and calmness, where we don’t make things more complicated than they are, and we hope to find those competences with our future employees as well”, Lars Halsboe explains.
Fitting in with the LEGO culture
It is a varied palette of experts who will be hired into the LEGO Group in the coming years. The new team of experts should, among others, contain colour engineers, laboratory technicians, project managers, tool makers and polymer specialists.
They will be involved in developing the injection moulds which make up the core of the LEGO Group’s production, and they will also be engaged in the purchase of materials, supplier contracts and training of employees in the production areas.
“We are both looking for recently qualified candidates with the right job profile and for more experienced specialists.
We want to put together a completely new team of people, and we are not only looking into the pure professional competences, but also whether the candidates have the right personality. They need to fit in well with the LEGO culture, Lars Halsboe says.
“The candidates should find it fun to develop products where dimensions like play and creativity are paramount. And it is by no means seen as a down side, if the candidate him or herself has been crazy about playing with the bricks as a child”, Lars Halsboe explains.
It is the first time that the LEGO Group will be hiring such a large number of engineers at once. The need has arisen as a result of solid growth in recent years where production capacity has been expanded at the LEGO Group factories in Denmark, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Mexico.Massive expansion in the LEGO Group.
The many new employees will primarily be based in Billund, Denmark, where the departments of design and development are located.
“On all sites we are increasing the amount of moulds and packing equipment, and this increases the need for qualified employees in Denmark who can develop and manufacture the required equipment and tools”, John Hansen explains.
The LEGO Group has increased the number of employees significantly over the last years. In 2007 the company numbered 4.200 employees, whereas today this number has gone up to approximately 10.000 employees. In 2012 the LEGO Group expects to hire a total of 1000 employees.