Si te gusta el arte y eres artista o trabajas en este mundo, en cualquiera de sus formas (literatura,fotografia, video, teatro, baile, musica, escultura, street art, circo etc) esta puede ser una interesante oportunidad para hacer contactos, conocer gente nueva con tu misma pasión y crear futuros proyectos en común.
El curso «Les jeunes artistes et la lutte contre les discriminations» esta cofinanciado por el Programa Juventud en Acción , acción 4.3, y tendrá lugar en Aubervilliers (Paris) desde el 7 hasta el 17 de Diciembre de 2012.
Tema pirncipal: art – an intercultural tool for fighting discrimination
Lugar: Aubervilliers (Paris area)
Fechas: from 7 to 17 December 2012
Para participantes procedentes de toda Europa, 5 personas por País.
Perfil de los participantes:
Jovenes artistas, con o sin experiencia profesional.
Edad minima 18 años, estar involucrados en proyectos artisticos locales con niños y/o jovenes, y/o trabajar con artistas; motivad@s y con la intención y el deseo de asistir al curso también para construir redes para la puesta en marcha de futuros proyectos en común entre todos los participantes.
Gastos de alojamiento y comida estan cubiertos por el programa Juventud en Acción.
También tienes cubierto el 70% de los gastos de viaje aunque tendrás que adelantar el total de los gastos de viaje, y solo una vez finalizado el curso te abonarán el 70% en tu cuenta.
Hay una cuota de participación de 100€
Objectives of training:
The aim of workshop is to support the associations and animators of youth in leading of intercultural projects related to art (music, dance, painting, literature, cinema… etc) as an important mean of a dialogue between cultures and generations, the way of increasing positive awareness, tolerance and understanding diversity and crucial element in combat with discrimination, racism, prejudices. The workshops assume creation of the long lasting cooperation between youth workers in Euromed space and develop common projects in the frame of European Program Youth in Action.
Operational Objectives:
– Discover and analyze with youth workers and responsible local organisations issues of civil society of European and Caucuses countries, the notion of art in the context of culture diversity, cultural co-operation or diplomacy, integration and social cohesion through community participation in art and non formal education related to the various topics from local to Euromed level;
– Stimulate the youth workers’ thoughts (reflections) with the less opportunities allowing them to exchange their experience, perceptions and sentiments and confront their ideas and questions on the subject of intercultural dialogue and fighting discrimination;
– Encourage the youth workers with the less opportunities to learn about intercultural function of art as a way of communication that increase civil awareness, tolerance and diversity;
– Transfer to participants new skills, competence, knowledge and new tools for realisation the development projects that engage cultural, artistic, governmental and non-governmental institution and artists in activities that promote culture diversity, intercultural dialogue and fighting discrimination;
– Analyze the specificity of managing intercultural youth projects that use art to transmit the youths European values and fights against discrimination;
– Encourage the empathy and solidarity of young participants towards to the others in the sense of justice, respect, equality sensible for an art that want to transfer civil democratic values of understandings of the concept of intercultural dialogue ranging from linguistic diversity to cultural diplomacy and from transborder creative industries strategies to socio-cultural cohesion in neighbourhoods;
– Develop self facilitating a positive assessment of the differences in order to obtain citizen awareness in the globalized world;
– Develop the new innovative project that favouring plural society and effective democracy in respect of culture diversity that appear in artistic traditional and modern work
– Permit the project’s porters to exchange their experience and knowledge, finally acquainted with the socioculturel and administrative context (legislation, assurance, visas, staying permission) thereby with different structures role and actors (agencies and directions of the youths) related to the Program Youth in Action and Euromed IV;
– Improve the conscience of the European Youth in Action Program to promote and carry out innovative projects according to priorities and objectives of the Youth in Action
– Contribute to improving the quality of support measures for youth projects conducted within the framework of the Euromed cooperation;
Por favor lee detenidamente las informaciones sobre los objetivos del cursos y las condiciones economicas antes de presentar tu candidatura.
Recuerda que buscamos personas responsables, que tengan disponibilidad para las fechas indicadas y sean motivadas y participativas. No se trata de vacaciones pagadas ni de cursos de idiomas.
El idioma del curso será el inglés aunque no se exige un nivel alto. El conocimiento del francés constituye una ventaja.
Para participar tienes que cubrir y enviar a el cuestionario que encuentras AQUI especificando en el asunto del correo «TC Francia.Nombre.Apellidos»
Si no perteneces a ninguna organización puedes poner en el cuestionario tu organización de envio, Ingalicia.
Ref: info /15-10 16.37