Urgente! Imperdible SVE en Grecia para salir en septiembre!

Hola amig@s!

Si no teneis planes para septiembre aqui os dejamos esta interesante oportunidad de SVE para 12 meses en Lefkas, Grecia. Debido a una baja de ultima hora podemos ofrecer esta plaza aunque si mucho tiempo para pensarselo. Por esto os pedimos que soliciteis la plaza solo si realmente interesados. Junto con la ficha de ingalicia, y en caso de ser seleccionados, deberais abonar 50e en concepto de fianza, que  os seran devueltos una vez comience vuestro SVE.

Project reference is: 2012-GR-04.
Solidarity Tracks
Cultural NGO for Youth
12, Karavella street, 31100 Lefkas, Greece
Elderly care centre of Lefkas can host 1 young volunteer in Lefkas Greece in order to realize together solidarity project of cultural cooperation for the local development.
The project will:
– Continue to organize workshops for a group of 40 elderly in the ?Elderly care centre of Lefkas?, as manual activities (handicrafts), physical exercises, intellectual and cultural activities, discussion groups press reviews … but also external animations in order to maintain a link with the life outside the Centre.
This activity is a part of the social, cultural, communication and human field and their principal objective is the awareness of what means to be European citizen.
– Continue to animate the ?Orange? Cultural Coffee which was created by the previous volunteers in the ?Elderly care centre of Lefkas?. The Orange Cultural Coffee became a meeting place, a favourite space of gathering for the old people of the Centre where they enjoy, entertain and communicate with their families, the youngsters and the local community.
On the other hand, the activity of the project will be helpful for the host community (Lefkas), for the local development and the reinforcement of solidarity. Also, the proposed projects for the volunteers will enable them to acquire personal, social and technical skills that will be useful for their future careers.
The project will offer them a unique experience in intercultural, social and pre-professional level. During the activities, they will work together and in close cooperation with other volunteers and with different associations and cultural institutions of the region.
Hosting Organisation: Elderly care centre of Lefkas
Envia la ficha de ingalicia (que puedes encontrar AQUI) antes del viernes 24 de AGOSTO a sve@ingalicia.org especificando «sve grecia» en eel asunto del mail.