Hola Amig@s!
Hoy os proponemos una interesantisima Europortunidad para celebrar un SERVICIO VOLUNTARIO EUROPEO de 5 meses en RUMANÍA (Arad).
Salida: primera semana de Enero de 2013.
Debido a que las fechas de salida son muy proximas recomendamos enviar la solicitud solo si realmente interesados y disponibles para esas fechas.
The main objectives of the project are:
– Development during the stage of basic skills needed among the five young volunteers from Germany, Spain, Italy and Turkey to accompany youngsters with visual disabilities and to develop their inclusion activities;
– Increase the access to social, cultural and sport activities of youngsters with visiual disabilities
The activities foreseen trough the project is:
– Young people with visual disabilities will be accompanied to cultural and social events held in Arad and other leisure activities;
– The volunteers will facilitate creative workshops, participants will be young people with visual disabilities from Arad (creative music workshops, theater workshops, communication workshops);
– Promoting volunteering for people with visual disabilities;
– Coordinating a team of volunteers from the Volunteer Center Arad that will bring improvements to the web site of the school for children with visiual disabilities from Arad. Through this website we will try to organize a campaign of raising awareness for the students with visual disabilities from the School.
CONDICIONES: Gastos de viaje cubiertos al 90% (deberas adelantar el dinero del viaje que sera rembolsado por la entidad de acogida una vez llegados al destino), alojamiento y comida cubiertos por el programa. Asignación a los voluntarios: 60€ cada uno.
Más informaciones del proyecto y de las actividades en el INFOPACK – Teach me colors
Envía la ficha el CV y la carta motivaciónal especificando en el asunto del mail, pena la exclusión, “SVE.Teach me colors.Arad.Nombre.Apellidos”a: sve@ingalicia.org