Hola Chic@s!
Hoy os proponemos esta interesante oferta para desarrollar un voluntariado SVE en Italia, en concreto en Florencia. El proyecto es muy especifico, no apto para todos, asi que os sugerimos leer detenitamente la información que hay a continuación y solo si creeis estar realmente interesad@s y motivad@s podeis presentar vuestra solicitud.
La entidad de acogida es Misericordia Firenze.
El proyecto es de 6 meses, desde Junio hasta Noviembre de 2013. El proceso de selección termina este més. En total habrá 6 voluntarios de diferentes Países Europeos.
The Mosaici Project will take place in Florence in the Head Office of Misericordia di Firenze and in its branches, ambulatories, rest homes and disability centers.
All the structures are situated in different areas of the city except for Villa Alessandro, a ‘Disabled Center’ ina suburban area between Florence and Prato.
Volunteers will be closely followed by our staff although they will be free to contribute with their personality, ideas and personal competence. They will bring and share with us their culture and develop their self awareness, we are also sure that they will improve their relational competences thanks to the daily cohabitation and sharing with people coming from other contexts. Volunteers will follow an Italian language course and if they want will be able to participate in informal English-Italian meetings so as to practise basic communication skills for life and work.
In particular, the role of EVS volunteers will be the creation of a new character in the Association: we would like to support and assist the birth of a movement which will expand the outlook of our community, focusing and enhancing the value of diversity.
Health and social transport, welcoming services
Since its foundation Misericordia has carried out the transport of sick people from/for hospitals, day centers, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, all the vehicles are fully equipped.
– Escort service of sick, elderly and disabled people;
– Drawing up documentation
– Assistance and reassuring of the user’s relatives
In agreement with the National Agency, it is forbidden for the EVS Volunteersto drive any vehicles and to undertake health transport with ambulances.
If the Volunteers wish, there is the possibility to follow a First-Aid course reaching the “Rescuer at First Level” qualification.
At the consulting rooms, volunteers will welcome the users giving information and helping the staff in their daily work, these structures are situated inside the branches of the Association.
Personal care
Our Volunteers visit, one/two times a day, old, sick or disabled persons with special needs at their own home, assistance is given by permanent staff or Volunteers, who usually provide moral assistance and help the sick people with movement, dress wounds and help in daily cleaning.
The EVS Volunteers’ activities will be:
– Reading books or newspapers for some hours a day
– Little errands, shopping, small payments in public offices, etc.
– Phone assistance
– Escort service for walks, company to overcome loneliness and social isolation
Activities in Disability Centers and Rest Homes
The volunteers will be involved in animation and supporting the staff in the free time of the guests, organizing creative recreation events and outdoor activities so as to improve their quality of life.
– Company and animation during the day and for vacations, holidays and recreational events
– Staging of performances, assistance/teaching at the computer labs
– Listening and communication with the guests and especially with their families
– Cooking Labs, Craft Labs, Drawing, Photography, etc.
– Volunteers will follow a course on how to interact with disabled people
Solidarity markets
Solidarity markets are organized at Christmas and Easter and sometimes for special events during the year.
– management and setting up of the markets in collaboration with the volunteers of the Association
– transportation of goods
Food Aid
Le 12 Ceste are two small markets where needy people can find basic food stuffs and other commodities.
The “Food Aid” staff also take food packs to the homes of people with special needs.
– Volunteers help the staff in the organization, management and setting up of the stalls
– Interaction with users
– Delivery of the packs
– Fund-raising events
Volunteering Promotion and European Awareness
In this field of service, EVS Volunteers create a group of young Volunteers who will promote Voluntary Service in the local community and in a European context.
Volunteers will also be encouraged to study and plan new forms of organization and their own projects; this will be realized through regular meetings with the Mentor and the person in charge of the Association.
– Design of information and illustrative materials, brochures, in English or in the language of the volunteers; the main topics will be: Voluntary Service, European awareness and young people.
– Drafting of the history of our Museum and promotion of it; the welcoming of groups who want to visit Misericordia and the Museum, in English or in their own language. Contacting Schools, Volunteer Organizations, in Italy and abroad, for affiliations and to promote free visits to our Museum.
– Promotion of the Volunteering World as a way to spend time with and for other people, especially for young people. Involving the young Volunteers of the Association in new activities.
Each of these activities will be documented by written/audio/video materials; these will remain in the Association for the realization of “A Mosaic of Lore, Customs and Testimonies from Europe” for subsequent EVS volunteers, for our volunteers, Florentine citizens and for the many tourists who visit Florence.
Training on arrival
Volunteers will be gradually integrated into all the actions and the life of the Association; for each sector of activity there will be a special meeting with the Person in charge of the service and the Mentor, who will explain the activity, how to carry it out, the possible difficulties to be faced, the main problem areas etc.
At the beginning of the activities, the Volunteers will be followed and supported all the time until they become independent. They will follow an intensive Italian course in order to have the basic skills to communicate at work and in their free time.
Security will be another important topic to be covered: how they can move around the city, what they have to do in order to prevent risks, etc.
The Mentor will show and escort them to all the reference points: shops, markets, meetings-places, museums, libraries, book shops, Touristic Information Offices, and will give them all the telephone numbers needed for any problem.
Youth Pass Training: what it is, how it works. First monitoring of capabilities, personal expectations and expectations about the service to be performed during this experience.
The Volunteers will be asked to do their service from Monday to Saturday; the duration of the service will be decided in accordance with the Association’s priorities, although the Volunteers will work for a maximum of 32h per week for 5 days per week.
It is important that the volunteers are available sometimes during the week-end for special events.
Monday: 08.30 – 10.00 Personal Care
10.00 – 12.30 Meeting with the Mentor/Supervisor
14.00 – 16.00 Food Aid
Tuesday: 08.30 – 10.00 Personal Care
10.00 – 12.30 Social Transport
14.00 – 16.00 Italian Course
Wednesday: 08.30 – 12.30 Disabled Center or Rest Home
14.00 – 16.00 Italian/English Lab
Thursday: 08.30 – 10.00 Personal Care
10.00 – 12.30 Social Transport
14.00 – 16.00 Italian Course
Friday: 08.30 – 12.30 Volunteer Promotion and European Awareness
14.00 – 16.00 Volunteer Promotion and European Awareness
The accommodation will be in an apartment of 150m² on the first floor, in a typical central area of Florence. Near the house all food needs are easily available (small shops, markets, supermarkets, etc), as well as library, museums, theaters etc.
There are three bedrooms in the house; every room has two/three single beds, there is also a communal living room , a passage usable as a wardrobe, and a fully equipped kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine. There is a bathroom with a shower and also a small toilet.
We request the usual rules of coexistence: respect for others, care of the environment and the tolerance called for in community life. Any problems can be discussed with the mentor of the group.
Para participar tienes que rellenar en inglés o italiano el cuestionario que encuentras AQUI junto con tu CV y una carta de motivación, y enviar todo al siguiente correo electronico: evs@misericordia.firenze.it
RECUERDA: En el mail tienes que especificar que tu entidad de envio es Ingalicia (Codigo Ref a poner: 2012 – ES – 121)
FECHA LIMITE: 18 de Noviembre de 2012