Hola Amig@s!
Hoy os proponemos esta vacante de ultima hora para ir de SVE (voluntario europeo) a Grecia para desarrollar un proyecto de 6 meses con salida durante la primera semana de Octubre.
La entidad de acogida es Kindergarten Velo-Vocha situada en la ciudad de ZEVGOLATIO
El Voluntariado será en un centro para niños y las actividades se detallan a continuación.
Role and tasks of the volunteer
The EVS volunteer’s role will be to provide additional support to the staff at the program, working closely with qualified staff who will provide support and supervision at all time. The volunteer must respect the rules and the organizational structure of the host organization. The volunteer will not act as a professional figure and this difference will be stressed by and with the professional staff. EVS is not considered as a working practice. The volunteer should be able to accept the differences in the working methods and the cultural differences in the everyday life. Helping in the regular workshops of the kindergarten: fine-art workshop,
- painting lessons, theatrical workshop, music- kinetic workshop
- Support the everyday activities of the kindergarten:
- Take care of the kids from accidents,
- Help for serving the food, cleaning the tables after
- Help the kids washing their hands, helping in the toilet, change clothes if needed, and in general care of the dressing of the kids etc.
- Handcraft with the kids,
Playing with the kids in the free time activity (according to the timetable
and the program of the kindergarten, the volunteer has the opportunity of
making his/ her own workshop after communication with the teachers of the
Helping the teachers to prepare the materials and the room for the
activities, gathering them after the activity,
- Avoiding conflicts between the kids,
- Comply the kids with the rules of the kindergarten,
- Pay attention on immature aggressive kids,
- Playing and take care of the kids during the outside activities,
- Support of cultural events like Christmas, summer events
Envia tu CV y carta motivacional (ambas en inglés) a sve@ingalicia.org especificando en el asunto del correo “sve.orfeas.nombre.apellidos